Did you know that there's a lively scholarly debate going on right now about virtually every major doctrine in the Christian faith?

Feminist theology, womanist (black feminist) theology, queer theology, and ecological theology. These are contemporary intellectual traditions that have histories, major ideas, and engagements with social justice movements. You don't have to be a woman, person of color, LGBTQ person, or ecologist to learn about them! All are welcome to read and discuss these vibrant schools of Christian thought.

On Tuesday, April 9, Pastor Shelli will begin a new Tuesday evening discussion around the theme of Queer Theology. The field is new and burgeoning! It has nothing to do with arguments from scripture or tradition about whether same-sex relationships are legitimate or sacred. They are! The field of queer theology is about breaking binaries, deconstructing established categories of thought, and waking us up to new possibilities.

You may join any time on Zoom to be a part of the introduction and discussions on Tuesday evenings from April 9 through May 7 at 7:30 p.m. If possible, please sign up for the class and to receive updates and materials for the sessions by emailing Pastor Shelli at Shelli@lrucc.org or Kathy at office@lrucc.org

Join by Zoom for an introduction to this important field of theology and further discussion sessions: bit.ly/LR-QueerTheology.