Learning with Youth


Middle and High School Youth

On Sunday mornings youth in Middle School (grades 6-8) and Senior High (grades 9-12) are invited to attend active learning classes shaped for the life experiences of teenagers today. Teens are invited to explore meaning and mystery in the Bible through lessons designed by our teachers. Youth begin in the worship service and then are dismissed to their classes after the Time for Children.

Human Sexuality and Faith

We believe that our sexuality is part of God’s gifts in creation. To help our youth grow into adulthood, we offer 7-9th graders the optional program Our Whole Lives (OWL) approximately every other year. OWL is a multi-age curriculum developed in partnership by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ to provide comprehensive sexuality education. Understanding human sexuality in the context of faith is critically important. OWL gives our youth the tools that increase knowledge, communication, safety, and health.

OWL leaders are selected from the congregation because of their maturity and ability to share the sensitive nature of the material. They are specially trained and certified by a national association of OWL trainers.  Learn more here about OWL in the United Church of Christ.

More Than Sunday Mornings

Youth Ministry

To learn about Pilgrim Youth Fellowship and the Summer Mission Experience for youth, visit our Fellowship for Children and Youth page.

Confirmation Class

Confirmation is the historic act of youth taking on the promises their parents made at the time of Baptism and entering the church as full members of the community. Classes are offered for youth Grade 9 and older to investigate the history of the Christian church, the depth and breadth of the Bible, the reason for being part of a faith community, and the call for mission and outreach. The class is organized in October and meets regularly through May.

Confirmation class is led by the pastors, with the help of members of the Boards of Deacons and Christian Education. Adults from the congregation also take part as mentors.