Interim Senior Pastor Remarks at Annual Meeting, January 2022


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Perhaps the title of this position gives perspective and context to the call to serve Little River UCC during a protracted period of transition and forward planning. 

First, it is a great honor to have been called to join this highly valued community of believers. My starting point was somewhere in the sub-zero range of knowledge about this incredible congregation. Thus, I count it an extreme blessing to serve as your interim senior pastor. To fully appreciate the significance of Little River, the contributions of the staff who dedicate their time to the members and ministries of our church cannot be overstated.

Kathy Heyman, Office Administrator, diligently and faithfully provides continuity and commitment to the full range of assignments she handles with aplomb. Her passion and foresight bring together significant resources and elements to the mundane as well as the uplifting challenges that define her daily and weekly tasks while maintaining relevant ministries and services on behalf of Little River UCC.

John Davis, Sexton, cannot be fully described in terms of a job description. His passion, knowledge, and access to a broad range of resources make him most invaluable to every aspect of our community. He broadens his engagement with compassion and a strong desire to serve and be available whenever called. He is the glue who keeps things together and going to insure the grounds and facilities are intact and up to date.

Nick Renzo, Sexton Assistant, is the “Energizer Bunny” who touches every aspect of our campus. From mowing the grass in the parking lot to filling potholes on the road leading up to the church, Nick finds the need to take excellent care of our church. He is available on demand and completes the task no matter the challenge. He is always ready to pitch in to get the job done.

Ashton Streavig, Children and Youth Choir Director, gives her all to our children and youth to bring out their voices and fill their lives with an appreciation for music. She is a special gift who acts unselfishly on behalf of Little River UCC. Steady, talented, and reliable, Ashton consistently inspires our young people to do their best.

Craig Stapert, Director of Music and Communications, only recently increased his time and talent in service to Little River. He brings a wealth of knowledge, commitment, and expertise to the congregation. His faith drives his spirit that elevates the quality of worship and motivates all of us to excel and do our best. He is a great addition to the staff.

Little River is blessed to have such a dedicated, committed team working together to enhance our worshiping experience. Each one is available to answer calls and meet the needs of members and people who request assistance.

Upon arriving at Little River UCC, my first task was to become oriented about the church, its culture, and its priorities. We lost two significant members of the church staff this past year who left a deep hole in our hearts and a great challenge to meet the needs of our members. In the midst of the Pandemic, suffering the changes that came with their absences was painful and difficult. Yet, through God’s amazing grace and the determination of each person on board, we weathered a storm of fracture and disappointment. The very good news is that the team emerged stronger, more focused, and fully engaged in the mission and ministries of Little River UCC.

I must express my very special appreciation and gratitude to the members of the Interim Team: Clark Beil, Dan Jimenez, Karen Kleiber, Drew Nettinga, Janet Parson Mackey, and Gail Perry. They worked behind the scenes throughout 2021 to bring me onboard and orient me as the Interim Senior Pastor. They are my guides, companions, and teammates on this magnificent journey.

Also, the Pastoral Relations Team meets with the pastor every month to review the needs and priorities of the church, the personal concerns of the pastor, and focuses on the direction we are going together as a congregation. I am deeply and personally thankful to Michael Alt who called me in 2020 and asked me to consider moving to Virginia and leading Little River forward. Kathy McCrea provides insight into the history and progression of the congregation and helps guide me around the pitfalls that can bog down our mission. And, Gail Perry brings a passion for racial justice and equity without apology. Together, they form a bond of concern, compassion, and consideration to avoid unnecessary mistakes and to keep all us steering toward service to God, congregants, and the wider community.

Through the church leadership under the direction and guidance of Karen Kleiber, Moderator, and Clark Beil, Moderator Elect, the congregation ventured through a process of reflection and projection this past year. Based loosely on the “Truth and Reconciliation Process” rooted in South Africa and “Restorative Justice” techniques, the Intentional Interim Team developed a series of Sacred Listening Circles. Members of the congregation were encouraged to discuss their experiences at Little River and to identify behaviors and other observations that portrayed their perspectives and understanding of the church. Eventually, that process led to a special worship service that focused on “Affirmation of Faith, Confession, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation.”

As we move deeper into 2022, the congregation will continue to look ahead as it prepares to call the next Senior Pastor. A search committee has been assembled. Healing is a priority among the church leadership. As projected, by Fall 2022, a new senior pastor will be identified to begin serving and leading the congregation into the future. 

Little River UCC